Posts Tagged 'New Release'

Arca+ 3.0.10 Released

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Highlights of the release are:

Multi-Import for EVIP – Now you can import many files at once. This brings in a new feature: When you first open a diagram, you should run the layout command, described below. Otherwise, you’ll see the default Eclipse diagram.

Improved Horizontal Layout – When you are editing a diagram, choose the layout command from the Arca menu.

Improved Estimates – The export process now includes a summary page, totaling all of the projects components and costs. For example, ...

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Arca+ 3.0.7 Released

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Highlights of this Release are:

We’ve been hard at work getting this release out the door!  Features include:

  • More exporting features.
  • Rapid development features.
  • A new format for project estimates.

We have a lot more in the development pipeline that will make it into the next release, which is days away!

If you are already registered, simply “Check for Updates” in Eclipse.

Contact us for more information on this new Arca+ release, or to get your Free Migration Cost Analysis.


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